New Company Formation Services UAE
Given its business-friendly environment, UAE is one of the most attractive places to set up an office and do business. It offers a tax-friendly jurisdiction with
extremely low corporate taxation rates (w.e.f FY 2023-24) and no tax on individual income.
UAE is strategically located between the West and East. It acts as a hub for banking and financial services in the Middle East region. The country offers highly advanced
infrastructure and a high standard of living comparable to the world's most progressive cities.
There is a choice to set up your company on the UAE mainland or within one of the many free zones. UAE also offers an offshore company setup, which is ideal for creating a
holding company structure or special purpose vehicles for holding investments.
We offer company formation packages to meet the needs of any size or type of company.
Our services include:
Advisory on the type of company to be set up based on the objectives of the company, including tax planning.
Feasibility studies on whether the companies will be formed in mainland or free zones (including the cost analysis and industry analysis).
Nominee Director / Shareholder services to safeguard confidentiality.
Registering trademarks with the authorities.
Services related to local sponsors
Renewal of licenses
Facilitate UAE residence visa.
Opening of bank accounts with our network of banks (both local and MNC banks)
Support for office rental, interior design, office system set up, recruitment and web designing
We also provide specialist services in opening offshore companies in BVI, Seychelles etc.
For Financial Services companies, we provide full support in identifying the regulatory ecosystem suitable to your company's requirements. We will assist and guide you on
all the steps from the start until you receive a Regulatory license from ADGM / DFSA and a commercial license from Authorities..
Our services include:
Preparing and Submitting Letter of Intent to Authorities.
Introductory meeting with the DFSA / ADGM.
Providing relevant compliance and other relevant manuals for regulatory submissions.
Assisting you in preparing and submitting Regulatory Business Plan (RBP) to Authorities and subsequent follow-up questions from the Authorities.
Assisting you in completing the formalities with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) office.
Assisting you in opening Bank Account for the newly incorporated entity and office space.